Lead improvement with your team
Download tools we’ve specially designed to aid your improvement journey.

Culture of Improvement Self-Assessment
Use this self-assessment tool to identify strengths and opportunities to support a culture of improvement at your organization.
Virtual and Distanced Improvement Event Tip Sheets
Use this collection of tips to help you hold improvement activity in person or through technology that doesn’t sacrifice the power of kaizen or one’s safety.
Eight Key Behaviors for Executives and Senior Leaders
Learn our eight crucial behaviors that will help you develop your ability to empower your teams.
Respect for People Behaviors Poster
Download the ten foundational behaviors of respect that can help you and your team maintain an environment that engages staff and satisfies patients.
Speaking Up to Disrespect Activity
Use this activity guide to help engage your team in a targeted activity and discussion around behaviors that support a culture of respect.
Idea Generation and Sorting Toolkit
Jumpstart your team’s process for collecting improvement ideas and prioritizing how to move the best ideas forward.
Inequity Waste Wheel Toolkit
The Inequity Waste Wheel Toolkit can help your team support a more equitable workplace by helping you identify equity impacts of proposed changes.
PDSA Worksheet
Use this worksheet to help track and review your team’s test cycles and to help capture your learnings.
Fostering Equity Discussion Guide
Use this guide to help you facilitate a discussion about ways you can improve equity in your team and organization.
Equity Pause Toolkit
Use this toolkit to help you facilitate equity pauses with resources, discussion questions, and information about different aspects of equity, such as implicit bias and psychological safety.
Equity Huddle Cards
Equity Huddle Cards can help leaders facilitate important conversations around creating and maintaining a more equitable healthcare environment for staff and patients.