Change Management,COVID-19,Leadership Development,Lean Management,Performance Improvement Case Study | A Large Academic Health System Uses Coaching to Lead Cultural Transformation Their Way
Leadership Development,Patient Experience,Performance Improvement Case Study | 30 Minutes to 2 for Prior Authorizations: How Training Inspired New Confidence and Led to Systemwide Improvement
Leadership Development,Patient Experience,Quality Improvement Webinar | Embedding Equity in Continuous Improvement Systems and Leadership
Leadership Development,Patient Experience,Quality Improvement UK Webinar | Embedding Equity in Continuous Improvement Systems and Leadership
Access to Care,Optimizing Flow,Patient Experience,Performance Improvement,Quality Improvement Webinar | Fundamentals for Improving Flow in the Ambulatory Setting
Performance Improvement,Quality and Safety,Quality Improvement,Strategic leadership Webinar | The Role of Leadership in Addressing Burnout on the Frontline: A Systems Approach
Performance Improvement,Quality and Safety,Quality Improvement,Strategic leadership UK Webinar | The Role of Leadership in Addressing Burnout on the Frontline: A Systems Approach
Leadership Development,Performance Improvement Case Study | Invigorating Staff and Transforming Culture
Performance Improvement,Quality Improvement Case Study | Achieving Cost Efficiencies While Increasing Staff Engagement